Healthy Arizona Divorce
Divorce Mediation
in Phoenix, AZ
Our process supports fairness, respect, and confidentiality.
Flat Fees
Our flat fees are predictable— you know the full cost upfront.
Less time
Complete your entire divorce process in as little as eight weeks.
Less Conflict
Our caring approach protects the wellness of your family.
Voted “Best Of Our Valley” for “Best Family Law”
Arizona Foothills Magazine, for 6 consecutive years, 2016-2021
Phoenix, Arizona Divorce Mediation
Divorces are never easy, but they don’t have to be messy. When considering a divorce, an array of emotions can arise. These emotions can change and impact how the process moves forward. Most couples are faced with two options: mediation or settling in court. The process and results can be quite different depending on what route you decide to take. Meditation provides a much more simple and cost-effective approach than the courtroom.
Court battles can be draining both physically and emotionally. Communication can easily break down with the addition of legal representation. This can drag out the process, costing you time and money. With mediation, you can maintain control of the entire process. Communication will always be direct, and it provides a means to come together for a healthier resolution of your divorce. We provide several services that can help you through the divorce process and beyond. We can also help mediate you through decisions regarding your children, such as parent-time, support, and legal decision-making. When you seek mediation through us, we will help handle your case from start to finish.

“I’m so glad we went the mediation route.”
“Well-organized, supportive, compassionate and effective: I’m so glad we went the mediation route. I was completely satisfied with the results.
Their level of skill and compassion surpassed what I expected during the difficult process of divorce.”
The Benefits of Divorce Mediation
Affordable Client-Friendly Flat Fees
Provides Financial Peace of Mind
Finances are a major source of stress throughout the divorce process. Attorney fees alone can be quite expensive, and more time in court means an even higher final cost. Some divorce trials in Phoenix have exceeded 100,000 in total legal costs. When you choose mediation, you are choosing a solution that is not only simpler but also much more affordable.
At Arizona Divorce, we charge a clear flat rate for your entire mediation, from start to finish. You’ll never be faced with unexpected charges, or have to fear paying more if your mediations take longer. When you meet with us for the first complimentary consultation, we will explain the services we can provide and what your rate will be.
Private and Confidential
Full Control of Divorce Terms
Moving towards a divorce is a huge decision. Making this decision sets a lot of moving parts into motion. Maintaining control of the situation is key in moving through the process quickly and effectively. When you choose the court route, you have to relinquish a lot of your control to your legal representation and the judge. Attorneys frequently suggest stopping all communication between you and your spouse through the proceedings, which often leads to miscommunications. This can quickly cause an escalation of emotions, complicating any problem solving. An inability to communicate can lead to more time in the courtroom, which adds to your financial strain and stress.
In mediation, communication is always clear and stays between the two of you. This allows both parties to retain control of the situation and ensure that their voice is being heard. This method works, even for high-conflict couples. Your mediator will be there to keep you focused on the big picture of finding a resolution that benefits everyone involved.
Less Time, Lower Conflict
Never Step Foot in a Courtroom
Court proceedings are time-consuming, expensive, and can lead to greater animosity between spouses. In court proceedings, both sides may feel like they have lost when their future is in the hands of a judge. Emotions can be especially high, leading to escalated disputes. When you choose mediation, you never have to step foot inside a courtroom. Mediation provides an environment that is less stressful and allows you to maintain control of the proceedings.
A mediator’s main goal is providing a neutral presence that isn’t emotionally invested in the divorce proceedings. This person acts as a guide, helping spouses move towards settling important issues themselves such as child custody, spousal support, asset, debt division, and other important matters. Courtrooms can be rigid in their decisions, not necessarily factoring in the unique circumstances of your situation. Mediation allows for fully customized agreements that meet the needs and desires of both parties.
Choose a healthier divorce process
Easier on Children
Children add another layer of careful negation and communication in the divorce process. Ultimately, you want to do what will be in their best interest. Court litigations can be stressful and lead to animosity between parents that will stay with them outside of the courtroom. This can hurt your children the most in the long run, adding more strain to an already difficult situation.
Mediation is centered around respectful communication, especially when it comes to parenting matters. Together, you’ll work to create a mutually beneficial parenting plan. This plan can cover the parenting schedule as well as any legal and financial obligations. Mediation allows you to make the important decisions concerning your children instead of an unfamiliar judge. By working together through mediation, your chances of successful co-parenting rise as well.
Be a superhero
to your children
Contact Our Phoenix Office
Divorce can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to feel impossible. Mediation allows you to have control of the situation. We help you communicate effectively so that any decision met will have been reached on your terms, not those of an attorney or a judge. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.
Divorcing parents: you can be a superhero to your children.

“Mediation is the far better choice that divorcing parents can make for the sake of their children. Michael is a compassionate mediator. I would trust him with my thoughts and feelings knowing that he would lead me to the best solution for my situation.”
Cathi Jensen Searles
Elementary School Teacher, Paradise Valley Unified School District (30+ years)
“Michael is an exceptional lawyer and mediator. His intelligence, skills, and personal qualities have allowed him to master the art and science of dispute resolution. He is creative, patient, positive, flexible, empathetic and trustworthy. His listening and communications skills are simply excellent. ”
Nancy MacLean Davidson, Esq.
Fitzgibbons Law Offices P.L.C.
“Michael is known for his creative legal mind. His reputation for fairness and excellence has a positive bearing on his outcomes with clients. His intellect helps generate thoughtful and practical solutions under difficult circumstances. Cool, calm, and collected – that’s classic Michael Aurit.”
Josh Nunez, Esq.
The Nunez Law Firm, Phoenix, Arizona
Avoid a harmful
court battle
You don’t have to fight through your divorce.
We can help you get through this in the best way possible.