Healthy Arizona Divorce
Divorce Mediation
in Tempe, AZ
Our process supports fairness, respect, and confidentiality.
Flat Fees
Our flat fees are predictable— you know the full cost upfront.
Less time
Complete your entire divorce process in as little as eight weeks.
Less Conflict
Our caring approach protects the wellness of your family.
Voted “Best Of Our Valley” for “Best Family Law”
Arizona Foothills Magazine, for 6 consecutive years, 2016-2021
Tempe, Arizona Divorce Mediation
Arizona Divorce in Tempe specializes in divorce mediation and parent plan development. Mediation provides a simple and low-cost divorce process that can be completely tailored to your unique situation. Our highly experienced staff can help you avoid a financially harmful and complicated court process. This also helps to alleviate a lot of the stress and anxiety often associated with divorce.
When you choose mediation, you are completely avoiding the courtroom. This allows you to communicate openly and directly with your spouse which provides a means to stay in control of the situation. You’ll find a solution that works for not only you and your spouse but your family as well. We can assist in divorce mediation, child support modifications, child custody mediation, parenting mediation, document preparation, as well as post-divorce modification. Arizona Divorce will be there for you in every step of the process.

“I’m so glad we went the mediation route.”
“Well-organized, supportive, compassionate and effective: I’m so glad we went the mediation route. I was completely satisfied with the results.
Their level of skill and compassion surpassed what I expected during the difficult process of divorce.”
The Benefits of Divorce Mediation
Affordable Client-Friendly Flat Fees
Less Financial Stress with One Flat Fee
The average cost for a divorce in Arizona is high, which can elevate the stress and strain of the process. When you are going through a divorce, you need financial stability more than ever. Expenses vary greatly when you go the court route. In Tempe, divorce attorney retainers can range anywhere from $5,000-$15,000. This number only gets larger the more complicated the process becomes.
At Arizona Divorce, we provide one flat rate fee for your entire mediation process with no surprise fees or expenses. Working with us costs 85-95% less than the average total divorce legal fees you could be facing. We provide a free initial consultation to fully explain our rate and the services we can provide for you. All communications and activities are completely confidential, providing you both financial relief and an understanding of the sensitive nature of these proceedings.
Private and Confidential
Stay in Control of the Process
Communication isn’t easy, especially when going through a divorce. A divorce attorney may advise you to stop directly communicating with your spouse about the divorce. An attorney would rather keep communication between themselves and your spouse’s representation. This can quickly lead to miscommunications that can escalate emotions. When emotions get high, it becomes almost impossible to solve even the easiest problem.
When you choose mediation, communication might still be difficult, but it will be clear. This process has proven to be effective, even for couples prone to conflict. Mediation keeps control of the situation in your hands. Your mediator will help you find common ground to seek solutions for your unique issues. This leads to agreements that both parties can be happy with.
Less Time, Lower Conflict
Avoiding the Stress of the Courtroom
One of the biggest benefits of choosing mediation is avoiding the courtroom. When you go to court, the situation can quickly feel as though it is out of your hands. Your legal representation often speaks for you, and ultimately a judge decides your future. This stress can lead to higher emotions that can hinder the process’s progression. With meditation, you experience less stress which helps to prevent unnecessary conflict. Avoiding conflict and maintaining an amicable relationship can make the entire divorce process easier.
When you choose mediation, a neutral mediator will meet with you and your spouse. They will help guide you both towards settling all major issues instead of relying on a judge to do it for you. Topics covered often involve any needed support, asset and debt division, child support, and child custody. A mediator provides a means to reach a completely customized agreement that works for everyone. This process tends to provide a higher level of satisfaction for every
Choose a healthier divorce process
Less Stress for Your Children
Divorce can be hard on children. Their life is changing, and they will need you both now more than ever. The stress and financial strain of a court proceeding can often pour into our regular day-to-day lives. This can cause greater strain between parents, making an already difficult situation harder. Mediation works to provide a means for parents to build a healthy foundation of co-parenting. Respectful communication is key in handling parenting issues and reaching agreements. Arizona Divorce will help guide you in creating a parenting plan that works. This includes parenting time, making legal and financial decisions, and developing a schedule that works for everyone.
The goal is always to put the interest of the children first. Creating a customized agreement accomplishes this. Mediation allows you to stay in control of what happens with your children, unlike a courtroom setting which would put those decisions in the hands of a judge. Having control of your parenting plan allows for a healthier co-parenting relationship, making the process that much easier for your children.
Let Us Help
At Arizona Divorce, we understand that the divorce process can feel overwhelming. Through mediation, we strive to provide a means to make the process clear and move forward. Our goal is to see both parties come out satisfied with the decisions made during mediation. If you’d like to know more, or you’d like to schedule your first consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Divorcing parents: you can be a superhero to your children.

“Mediation is the far better choice that divorcing parents can make for the sake of their children. Michael is a compassionate mediator. I would trust him with my thoughts and feelings knowing that he would lead me to the best solution for my situation.”
Cathi Jensen Searles
Elementary School Teacher, Paradise Valley Unified School District (30+ years)
“Michael is an exceptional lawyer and mediator. His intelligence, skills, and personal qualities have allowed him to master the art and science of dispute resolution. He is creative, patient, positive, flexible, empathetic and trustworthy. His listening and communications skills are simply excellent. ”
Nancy MacLean Davidson, Esq.
Fitzgibbons Law Offices P.L.C.
“Michael is known for his creative legal mind. His reputation for fairness and excellence has a positive bearing on his outcomes with clients. His intellect helps generate thoughtful and practical solutions under difficult circumstances. Cool, calm, and collected – that’s classic Michael Aurit.”
Josh Nunez, Esq.
The Nunez Law Firm, Phoenix, Arizona
Avoid a harmful
court battle
You don’t have to fight through your divorce.
We can help you get through this in the best way possible.